Health and Safety

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Searching "Health and Safety" for all Talent Profiles

Showing 1 - 10 of 17

Talent Profiles » Apprentice

Amanda Powell

Victoria, BC

Victoria, BC

Skills: Skilled labourer, heavy equipment operator, welders helper, communications and wiring technician, glacier, Health and Safety Administrators, BC security Liscence, Law, roofing, Concrete finisher, siding, grades, administrative skills, computer skills
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Salary Expectations per Year: $55,000.00
Availability: 06/01/2024
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Talent Profiles » Carpentry

Carpenter Helper

Throughout BC, BC

Throughout BC, BC

Licenses: Driver License
Certifications: WHMIS, FOODSafe First-aid and CPR, PVPC, Ladder, Confine Space
Skills: Problem-solving, project management, Communication, customer service, Teamwork, Adaptability
Employment Type: Seeking Part Time Employment
Salary Expectations per Year: $45,000.00
Availability: 08/15/2024
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Vancouver, BC

Skills: Customer service, management scheduling
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Level: Intermediate
Availability: 01/01/2025
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Vernon, BC

Certifications: HEO operator for Track Hoe, front end loader, OHS&P Certified, TSC/CSO certified, OFA 2 certified, Raspatory Fit tester
Skills: heavy equipemt
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Level: Intermediate
Salary Expectations per Year: $45,000.00
Availability: 01/06/2025
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Surrey, BC

Licenses: • Construction Safety Officer (CSO) Certification • Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TSC) Certification • Occupational First Aid (OFA 2) • CPR, AED, and First Aid (OFA 1) • Hazardous Chemicals: SDS for Canada
Certifications: • Construction Safety Officer (CSO) Certification • Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TSC) Certification • Occupational First Aid (OFA 2) • CPR, AED, and First Aid (OFA 1) • Hazardous Chemicals: SDS for Canada
Skills: Construction Safety and Health Management, Project Management and Coordination, Architectural and Design Expertise, Technical and Administrative Proficiency, Virtual Assistance and Remote Work, Leadership and Soft Skills, CSO Certification, Transportation of Dangerous Goods Certification, Occupational First Aid (OFA 1 & 2), and CPR/AED.
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Level: Intermediate
Salary Expectations per Year: $80,000.00
Availability: 11/18/2024
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Langley, BC

Certifications: Certification WHMIS | IOSH Working Safely | New worker health and safety awareness | Fall Protection Occupational First Aid | Daystar Leadership Academy
Skills: Drilling, installation, Drawing
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Level: Intermediate
Salary Expectations per Year: $90,000.00
Availability: 10/16/2024
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Burnaby, BC

Skills: Heavy Lifting, Cleanliness, sanitizing, managing time table, leaderhip
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Availability: 12/13/2024
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Vancouver, BC

Skills: Safety
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Level: Experienced
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Delta, BC

Licenses: Class 5 driving
Certifications: Traffic Control Person,WHIMS,Serving it Right,
Skills: Teamwork, safety procedure, emergency protocols, Maintain safety and efficiency, Quantity checking
Employment Type: Seeking Part Time Employment
Availability: 06/01/2024
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes

Delta, BC

Licenses: Forklift
Certifications: Security licence
Skills: Forklift, Heavy lifting, Drywall
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Level: Management
Salary Expectations per Year: $550,000.00
Availability: 01/25/2025
Willing to Travel?: Yes
Willing to Relocate?: Yes
Showing 1 - 10 of 17