Builders Life TalentCentral Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the use of the website ("Builders Life TalentCentral"), a website dedicated to facilitating connections between employers and job seekers in the British Columbia construction industry (collectively, “you”, “your”). Builders Life TalentCentral is owned and operated by the British Columbia Construction Association (“BC Construction Association”, “we”, “our”). By using Builders Life TalentCentral, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these Terms at all times.

Acceptable Use

By using Builders Life TalentCentral, you agree to use the site for lawful purposes only and not to:

  • ·                 harass or mistreat other users
  • ·                 violate the rights of other users or third parties
  • ·                 hack into other user accounts
  • ·                 engage in fraudulent activities
  • ·                 post inappropriate or offensive content
  • ·                 infringe on our copyrights or trademarks
  • ·                 use Builders Life TalentCentral in a way that adversely affects our business, business prospects, or the performance or function of Builders Life TalentCentral

We may limit, suspend, or terminate your account if we determine, in our sole discretion, that you are violating these Terms. We may also take legal action to prevent you from accessing Builders Life TalentCentral.


When you create an account on Builders Life TalentCentral, you agree to:

  • ·                 Be responsible for your account's security and privacy.
  • ·                 Provide accurate and up-to-date personal information.

We may suspend or terminate your account if you violate these Terms at any time for any reason.

You do not own your Builders Life TalentCentral account. You accept the risk that Builders Life TalentCentral may delete or destroy any information stored in your account at any time for any reason.

Information Posted on Builders Life TalentCentral:

We do not screen or sensor information posted on the Builders Life TalentCentral. We are not involved with, and we do not control, any communications between users on Builders Life TalentCentral. We are not responsible for the quality, safety, legality, truth or accuracy of the information posted by users on Builders Life TalentCentral, and to the extent permitted by law, we disclaim any liability for failing to take any such action.

Employers are responsible for ensuring that job advertisements posted on Builders Life TalentCentral comply with applicable laws, including but not limited to labour and employment laws, privacy laws, and intellectual property laws.



You agree that any personal information you post on the Builders Life TalentCentral website is available to the general public and may be used by anyone for any reason. Builders Life TalentCentral is not responsible for any loss of privacy or for how members of the public may collect or use information published on the Builders Life TalentCentral website.

If you disclose any information, including personal information, about others on Builders Life TalentCentral, you represent and warrant to us that you are duly authorized to do so, and any such information may be used by us or by other users of Builders Life TalentCentral for any purpose.

Links to Other Websites

Builders Life TalentCentral may contain links to third-party websites. We are not responsible for the content, policies, or practices of these websites. Please read their terms and privacy policies before using them.

Limitation of Liability

BC Construction Association and its affiliates will not be liable for any actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses, including legal fees, arising from your use of Builders Life TalentCentral.

We are not responsible for verifying the truth or accuracy of claims posted in job advertisements. Job seekers rely on the information in job advertisements at their sole risk.

We are also not responsible for verifying the truth or accuracy of any job seeker’s identity, qualifications, experience or other statements communicated through the Builders Life TalentCentral hub. Employers are responsible for conducting their own due diligence and satisfying themselves whether a prospective job seeker is suitable for their purposes.

We are not responsible for any contractual or employment arrangement that may arise between users of Builders Life TalentCentral.

We are not responsible for physical loss, damage or injury that arises in any way from the use of Builders Life TalentCentral.

We do not warrant that Builders Life TalentCentral will operate error-free or that our site and its server are free of computer viruses. If your use of Builders Life TalentCentral results in the need for servicing or replacing equipment or data, or any other costs, we are not responsible for those costs.

We are not liable for any damages whatsoever from lost data, lost employment opportunity, or business interruption resulting from the use or inability to use Builders Life TalentCentral, whether based on contract or tort.

You agree to use Builders Life TalentCentral on an as-is basis without any warranties of any kind form us, whether express or implied, including warranties about fitness for a particular purpose.

Builders Life TalentCentral may contain links to third-party websites. We do not endorse the contents of such third-party websites, and we are not responsible for their content.


By using Builders Life TalentCentral, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless BC Construction Association and its affiliates from any actions, claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses, including legal fees, resulting from your use of the Site or violation of these Terms.

Applicable Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of the Province of British Columbia.

Dispute Resolution

If a dispute arises and cannot be resolved through informal discussion, it will be submitted to arbitration in Victoria, British Columbia. The arbitrator's decision will be final and binding. Both parties retain the right to bring an action in small claims court and for injunctive relief or intellectual property infringement.

Intellectual Property

All content on Builders Life TalentCentral, including images, text, logos, documents, downloadable files, and other materials, is the property of BC Construction Association and its creators.


If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid or inconsistent under applicable law, it will be removed, and the remaining provisions will still be valid.


We may amend these Terms to comply with the law or reflect changes to Builders Life TalentCentral. Users will be notified by email or through a notice on the site.

Contact Details

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at:

[email protected]

203-3531 Uptown Blvd

Victoria, BC V8Z 0B9

You can also contact us through the “Contact Us” page on Builders Life TalentCentral.

Effective Date: * June 2024