Plumber Apprentice

Vancouver, BC
Vancouver, BC


Talent Profile Basic Information
First Name: KRISTINA
Status in Canada: Canadian Citizen
Skills: Physical Dexterity & Attention to Detail: Able to perform hands-on tasks with precision and safety in mind., Technical Aptitude: Basic understanding of plumbing tools, systems, and safety protocols, Problem Solving & Critical Thinking: Adaptable and resourceful in finding solutions to both technical and interpersonal challenges., Multitasking & Flexibility: Able to adapt quickly to changing environments and handle various responsibilities at once.
Job Preferences
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Level: Apprentice
Salary Expectations per Year: $43,000.00
Availability: 11/20/2024
Willing to Travel?: No
Willing to Relocate?: No
Work Experience (OPTIONAL)