
Surrey, BC
Surrey, BC


Talent Profile Basic Information
First Name: GURJEET
Status in Canada: Work Visa
Licenses: Driving license
Certifications: Graduate
Skills: Safety procedure, Material storage, Detail oriented, Good communication, Appliance Maintenance
Job Preferences
Employment Type: Seeking Full Time Employment
Salary Expectations per Year: $70,000.00
Availability: 09/08/2024
Willing to Travel?: No
Willing to Relocate?: No
Work Experience (OPTIONAL)
Employer Name: Parmar Hospital Ropar
Location: Ropar India
Start & End Dates: 10/07/2020- 25/05/2022
Postion Title (2): Patient attendant
Employer Name (2): SND foundation Hospital
Location (2): Ropar
Start & End Dates (2): 14/07/2022 - 20/06/2024

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